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Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo

February 10, 2021

Austin & San Antonio Sister Cities, The Dynamic Duo - Blog Image

让我们继续一月份关于奥斯汀-圣安东尼奥走廊的谈话, a title coined by John Naisbett in his 1982 book, “Megatrends.还记得《365bet》里的一幕吗, sisters, there were never such devoted sisters.“这可能适用于圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀,这两个位于I-35走廊上的姐妹城市吗?  目前,奥斯汀是这两个城市中“最热门的”,但两者都有惊人的增长趋势. 让我谈谈我对两姐妹的看法,我认为这是最好的看法, 不是竞争,而是两个个性迥异的大都市, 技能和历史在我们德克萨斯州的小角落创造了多样化的生活空间. 

City GDP

城市的经济增长可以用GDP来衡量,就像国家一样.  The Gross Metropolitan Product Estimate (GMP) for 2020 for Austin-Round Rock-San Marcos is $150.52B and the population is 2,227,083. San Antonio-New Braunfels’ GDP is $135.41B and a population of 2,550,960. So, that makes metro Austin #24 in GDP and San Antonio #32. 但按人口计算,圣安东尼奥的人口排名第24,奥斯汀排名第29.  San Antonio has 300,000 more people, but Austin produces $15B more in goods and services, yet we are pretty close. 现在,我们的I-35走廊大家庭的人口总数刚刚超过旧金山,仅次于波士顿和凤凰城.  By Gross Metropolitan Product, 我们刚刚领先凤凰城,落后于圣何塞/硅谷, believe it or not.


Austin – Round Rock –

San Marcos

Rank  San Antonio –

New Braunfels’


2020 GMP

$150.52B #24 $135.41B #32
Population 2,227,083 #29  2,550,960



We know our region’s housing is on fire. 圣安东尼奥的房屋销售中位数为261,000美元,而奥斯汀为36.5万美元,整整贵了40%. 圣安东尼奥和奥斯汀的销量分别增长了27%和23%. 我们面临的最大问题首先是批量短缺,其次是对材料和劳动力的需求激增, causing rising costs. 如果这些问题能够得到解决,我们的经济增长将呈指数级增长. 话虽如此,新布朗费尔斯等周边地区的扩张正在蓬勃发展. 


Median Home 

Sale Price


Volume Increase




San Antonio $261,000


Livability & Desirability

Texas has seen a 36% increase in Californians moving to Texas in just one year. With businesses looking to relocate and benefit from the pro-growth and pro-business climate that Texas offers, 据预测,在接下来的几年里,我们将继续看到扩张和搬迁的增加. 有消息称,奥斯汀有几家知名公司在那里搬迁和扩张,包括: OracleAmazon, Facebook, TikTok, Tesla, H-E-B Tech Hub, and Samsung, a long time Austin stalwart, 正在认真考虑耗资170亿美元扩建他们300英亩的校园吗. 据预测,这些公司将为该地区带来数千名员工及其家人. In 2020 alone a total of 154 companies 宣布了他们在奥斯汀市搬迁或扩张的计划. While this is great for our Texas business climate, 随着人口的大量涌入,我们还必须有住房和道路基础设施来支持它.  

机场是一个城市宜居性和吸引力的重要因素.  Austin Bergstom 它更大,占地4200英亩,2019年的着陆次数超过1500万次,而 San Antonio’s smaller airport at 2,300 acres had 10.3 million landings in 2019.  Bergstrom is really the regional airport, with a 12,空军为抵御核爆炸而建造的1000英尺的跑道, when compared to San Antonio’s 8,1000英尺的跑道不容易扩大,也不能提供长途直飞所需的最大客机. On the bright side, 奥斯汀的地区机场相对靠近圣安东尼奥, being a little over an hour drive. 这与居住在休斯顿周边郊区的人到达威廉P. 霍比机场(HOU)或休斯顿洲际机场(IAH). Furthermore, BizJournal reports that, “Texas A&M运输协会(TTI)最新的拥堵道路排名, released earlier this month, puts the stretch of I-35 from U.S. 290 to State Highway 71 through Central Austin as the most congested highway in the state.” 奥斯丁目前的交通堵塞问题仍在寻求解决方案还有另外两条最严重的交通堵塞道路, unsurprisingly, in Houston and Dallas- Fort Worth. Unfortunately, 在确定一项决议之前,随着人口密度继续上升,这种情况只会加剧. So far, 许多搬到德克萨斯州的大公司已经宣布他们将搬到达拉斯-沃斯堡, Houston, or Austin. However,  Connect Texas Commercial Real Estate News 指出圣安东尼奥是企业考虑的另一个主要选择. Along with it’s natural southern charm, 它还提供了来自UTSA等高排名大学的越来越多的专业人才 & 三一大学以网络安全和数据科学领域的毕业生而闻名 & Engineering.


According to U.S. News 圣安东尼奥是网络安全行业最具增长潜力的城市 是美国首都地区(包括华盛顿)以外网络和情报工作人员最集中的地区, D.C.弗吉尼亚州和马里兰州),也是空军网络司令部的所在地.”  随着人们对网络安全培训人员的兴趣和需求不断增长  UTSA opened its Institute for Cyber Security in 2001 and was ranked best in the nation in 2016. 从那时起,UTSA一直保持着在全国顶尖学校中的排名. It is now expanding its downtown campus building a 数据科学学院与国家安全合作中心(SDS/NSCC). “圣安东尼奥的科技岗位增长率是全国最高的, at 21%, during the third quarter,,在全美50强中排名第47位.S. 大都市地区连续第二年成为科技人才市场, according to the latest report from CBRE, a commercial real estate service firm. 

Tech growth in Austin? Apple is building a $5B second campus in Robson Ranch, Tesla’s building a new “Cybertruck” factory; Oracle’s HQ, Dell’s HQ; Facebook is looking for another 1M square feet of new space, while Google just leased an entire 375,000 SF office building, and then, 三星正考虑斥资170亿美元扩建现有园区, etc., etc. 

Altogether Austin, a sister city to San Antonio, 有比圣安东尼奥更大的IT存在吗, 但随着UTSA的扩张,我们相信这也将提供所需的劳动力,吸引更多的科技公司来到这里. 



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